Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Proverbs 31 Woman Challenge - Day *7*

First off, sorry to skip yesterday's day 7 post---but I was extremely worn out for some reason, and I didn't even log onto my blog, which is very abnormal for me. I did however spend the whole day just hanging out with my boys---the big boy, the little boy and the hairy boy (i.e. the pooch!). We had a great time lazying around, watching movies, goofing around on the floor, and I feel much better today after some R&R. Anyways, all of that to say that today is "day 7" let's get to it!

She makes linen garments and sells them,
And supplies sashes for the merchants.

Strength and honor
are her clothing;
She shall rejoice in time to come.
-Proverbs 31:24 & 25

We can see here that the Proverbs 31 Woman is industrious and uses her skills to benefit her family's finances. She did not consider it beneath her to offer her wares for sale, and even though her husband is seen as a successful man, she still wants to contribute to the income of her family. Now, I don't think that every woman has to operate a business from home, and I do think that God calls some women to work outside of the home. Whether or not you've been called to stay at home or work outside the home, I KNOW that every woman can contribute to her family's finances---by earning an income or by saving and spending wisely what has been earned by her husband. I remember my mom saying that "saving money is like making money." If you save $20 on the grocery bill by using coupons, then you just "made" 20 bucks for your family!

*NOTE* I just want to mention that money can be a issue of division between a couple, especially if both dad and mom are working outside of the home. I think that it is important to realize that both partners are working toward the same goal---providing for the family as a whole---and there shouldn't be a rivalry between who makes the most and who contributes "more" in order to hang it over the other person's head. And if you are called to stay at home you shouldn't feel "less than" because you're not making the majority of the income. The well-being of your family depends on much more than just monetary security. Realizing what each person is bringing to the table in order to provide for each and every area of your family's needs is what is important. Dad & Mom need to be a team, both with unique roles but the same goal.

Back to our verses, when I read verse 25...Strength and honor are her clothing; She shall rejoice in time to come...I sense that the Virtuous Woman is "clothed" with something far more important than outer garments (although don't get me wrong, regular clothes are important---don't go without them!). It is also important to be "covered" in the character qualities which you can only get by seeking the Lord. And the Proverbs 31 Woman had that. Also, she was prepared for what the future would hold, and was able to rejoice (also translated "to laugh") at what would come. She did not worry! (Hmm, interesting that that is in here!)

So, what are our challenges for today? Let's see...

Challenge - Day 7

-Think about what role you play in your family, and examine what you can do to fulfill that role to it's utmost potential.

-Focus on the inward beauty---spend time with the Lord, leaning on Him to give you the strength that you will need to face your future with a big smile on your face!

Okay y'all, that's it for today. Thanks for hanging in there! Have a blessed Sunday!


Me, "laughing" at the days to come!

1 comment:

  1. Don't you sometimes just hate the Proverbs 31 woman? I mean, I know we're supposed to love her and aspire to be like her, and on my best days I feel I am rising to that challenge. I also know that it can't come from our own strength but through Christ who strengthens us. But sometimes just reading about all she does is exhausting. I'm so glad that in our weakness He is made strong because girlfriend, some days I am just WEAK and my children do not call me blessed.
